2016 begann die Geschichte von FIAE durch die Förderung der serbischen Akkordeonistin Vanja Cirkovic, die inzwischen als Ausnahmetalent gilt, mit einem Studienplatz am Hohner-Konservatorium in Trossingen. 2019 präsentierte Vanja Cirkovic sich im Rahmen ihres Abschlusskonzertes dem öffentlichen Publikum. Fast ein Jahr nach Beginn ihres Studiums in der Akkordeon-Klasse von Andreas Nebl gab sie uns ein kleines Interview, das wir nachfolgend gerne mit Ihnen teilen.

Vanja, since March 2017 you have been a student at the Hohner-Konservatorium, class of Andreas Nebl. Was Germany recommended to you, or was there a special reason why you came?
When I finished my master studies, I wanted to continue with my education. I thought about going to Spain, Slovenia or Germany and I had a conversation with my professor, Zoran Rakic about the best solution for me. He suggested Andreas Nebl and Trossingen.
You are from Serbia, a non-member of the EU. What difficulties did you have to overcome before you could start your studies?
My first and biggest obstacle was the amount of 8.600 Euros that was supposed to be on a blocked account to get my visa. My family and I were not able to collect such a sum of money and I already gave up the chance to study in Germany. But thanks to the wonderful people from the FIAE organization that made the money available so I got my visa and started my studies in Trossingen.
How did you get in contact with FIAE for this support? Had there been any requirements?
Andreas Nebl told me about this organization. Together with his students, he is a member of FIAE. It was necessary to send my biography and some photos.
As FIAE supported you to start in the class of Andreas Nebl, could you tell us something about your experiences?
How was the cooperation with the FIAE-team?

When you are in a foreign country and you do not know the language it really seems to be difficult. But I was not alone. Wonderful people, heartwarming and companionable from FIAE were always around to take care of me and to support me. I am very grateful that I was lucky enough to get to know them and that I still have them as my friends.
FIAE is a very young foundation. Would you recommend it to other students, that have the same ambitions like you?
Would you like to give them an advice?

Of course I would recommend FIAE! I have some colleagues that would also like to study here in Germany but they have the same problems like I had. So I am more than happy that I can tell them that there is an organization helping und supporting young and talented musicians!
What do you enjoy most about your studies?
I enjoy in playing, performing in front of people. I enjoy to make someone feel the same emotion like I have during my play. I am learning new stuff and improving on myself every day. That is what I enjoy the most.
Why the accordion – what meaning does this instrument have for you?
I can say that I accidentally started playing the accordion, so she kind of choose me. But now I choose her every day.
Are there any planned projects for 2018 or the future? Have you thought about what you would like to do once you have finished your studies?
I’d like to work hard and we’ll see where life will send me. I have some goals that I want to achieve and if I do so, I will be content. For now, I am preparing some competitions and concerts so I am focused on that.

We wish Vanja all the best for her studies and her future!
Thanks a lot for this interview!


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